
Showing posts from February, 2019

Guide by R.K.Narayan

Guide is novel written by R.K. Narayan. Love story of Raju and Rosie:- Raju  known as Railway Raju who corrupt the tourist and earn money. He falls in love with Rosie ,Wife of Marco. He does not like his wife's passion as dancer but Raju supports her. With the help of him she became successful dancer . After some time ,Raju done forgery and goes  to sentence for two years. When he came back to his village Malgudi, he does not want to live in village so he choose to live in temple. Fast for rain:- At that time , the rain was not came and people were worried about that. Raju keeps fast in order to make rain. After some time the rain come and the novel ends with unanswered situation that wether he dies or live.

Enoch Arden

The poem  writte by  is one of my favorite. Life if Silas and his voyage:- Hero of the poem ,Enoch is a fisherman and have opportunity to go for voyage. He married with his childhood friend Annie and have children also.At the time of voyage they face shipwreck and another fellow of him ,dies. He is survived but at his home the news goes that he died. Annie marries with Philip:- While Annie come to know about Enoch's death, she is in too much worry and get the help by her friend Philip. After sometime ,they marry and have child also. They happily in village. Enoch comes back:- After sometime ,Enoch comes back and find his wife and children. But at the village he saw his wife with Philip and does not want to disturb them in their happy life. He never reveals the truth to his wife and children that he is alive and die  with broken heart.

Break ,Break ,Break

This poem is written by Alfred Tennyson. He wrote this poem on his friend Artur Hallam's death. He was seat besides the grave of his friend and see the waves of sea striking with rock. Here he compare himself with sea thay ,as sea was unable to show it's sorrow,same as he was also unable to show his sorrow , for his friends death. He explained about gloom in life and its connection with his friend's death. He saw a boy who was a son of fisherman ,played at sea shore and he also want to be like sea shore ,near where his friend's grave. Here another people and a boy of fisherman , all were happy but only poet was sad because of his friend's death. At last,He is standing near the spot of his friend's burial on the sea-shore. Seeing the waves of the sea beating against the rocks the poet feels that the sea might express its grief by lashing the coastal stones, but he himself would never enjoy the tender beauty of the days when his friend was alive.

Daffodils by William Wordsworth

This is the greatest poem by Wordsworth which I have read. In this poem he mentioned about nature and his own experience of nature. He was wondering like a cloud and watch fields of daffodils. They are dancing and  with them his heart is also dancing. He become happy with the company of flowers and joy a lot. Poem based on nature and have deep meaning. The field of flowers, besides lake , make him happy when he was all alone and restless.  He said that the flowers of daffodils are dancing and looking like they are welcoming him with the movement of their head. At the end he comes home and write his experience on it. By this poem he present relation between man and nature that how one alone person get Peaceful life in the lap of nature. 

Sigh no more ladies

The poem is about women condition. Poem is written by Shakespeare. Here he wants to share the message by the poem for women. He indicate the situation of women and told them that keep hope,don't lose it. Here poet  put a message for women who were betrayed by men. Poet said here that in love and relationship,women has not to become sad if the man betrayed her. She has not to sigh more. Poet denied here for sigh and it's repeating. It will be unhealthy for them and also may be the cause of their lose of beauty. Throughout the poem ,poet show the unfaithfulness of man in love and how they betrays women. They can't stay with particular one and moving towards one to another . For this type of man , Shakespeare said to women that let him go and don't become sad,don't sigh. He said that let them go and enjoy the life , be happy.

On his blindness

On His Blindness , poem written by John Milton.He lose his eyesight and on that he wrote this poem. He was not able to understand that what really God wants from him. In his poem he mentioned that after losing his eyesight, still God wants that he write a poem or other thing. He knows this condition  ,still he please God. He likes to write but by losing his eyesight ,he was not able to write anything.Poet have desire to serve his master,God but he has not light in his life so he can't do that.God has a huge Kingdom and there are thousands of angels who remain in motion to carry God’s order. They never take rest. The poet compares them with those who have talent and use it to serve God.On the other hand, there are some other angels also who serve Him just by standing and waiting before God. Here poet compare himself as last angels who keep patience.

Pippa's song

The year’s at the spring, And day’s at the morn; Morning’s at seven; The hill-side’s dew-pearl’d; The lark’s on the wing; The snail’s on the thorn; God’s in His heaven– All’s right with the world! The poem is about Asolo and a day of holiday.Pippa wakes up in the morning and see out from the window. Pippa a little silk winder  who think that she is doing good. She explain about lark's wing .Last two lines is very significant of the poem. It shows the faith of people in God.It shows hope for  all the welfare  with man kind. Here the idea of Justice by God is shown. God is watching everything of his creation an all the work going on well.

NET class on Cultural Study By Dr. Sanjay Mukherjee

On 16th February ,2019 at Department of English MKBU we had a guest lecture by Dr. Sanjay Mukherjee from Saurashtra University.  He gave the information about new syllabus of NET and how the question which is related to cultural study has been asked. He suggested that give your proper time for paper no 1 of NET and  try to know all the things. Make the list of main writes of a particular age and authors award winning,another prize,which year he gor it etc. He also suggest that do not try to memorise all the things but try to understand all the things. Then he had gave some questions related to cultural study and we all have done that activity about answering that question. He suggested some important material for preparation and how to focus on it. Short but sweet lecture by him. That is really fruitful interaction for me. 

Thinking activity on Da Vinci code

For viewing the worksheet click her e 1)"Brown states on his website that his books are not anti-Christian, though he is on a 'constant spiritual journey' himself, and says that his book The Da Vinci Code is simply "an entertaining story that promotes spiritual discussion and debate" and suggests that the book may be used "as a positive catalyst for introspection and exploration of our faith". Dan Brown is not anti -christian. It us real thing that all the literary works tries to generate debate on spiritual and religious costumes. In this novel the central theme of it is debate between religious man Robert Langdon and Leigh Teabing who wants to make free all the people from church's believing. Here Brown present his hero very faithful. Other characters are also faithful to their religious believing. The basic element of novel is based on religion and spirituality. Character of Silas, Besu Fache Robert Langdon all they are believers of ...

Feature writing

रिश्ते ये ढाई अक्षर का शब्द कितना प्यारा है, पर ये बहुत ही गहरा मतलब रखता है।मनुष्य जन्म से मृत्यु तक रिश्तो की उल्जन में उल्जा रहता है।हम हमेशा यह बात सोचते है कि मेरा तुजसे और तेरा मुझसे क्या रिश्ता है? मनुष्य जीवन के हर एक मोड़ पर एक दूसरे के साथ किसी न किसी रिश्ते से जुड़ा होता है, वो चाहे माँ- बेटी का हो,बाप- बेटे का हो,भाई -बहन का हो,पति-पत्नी,दोस्त का हो और कोई भी सामाजिक या व्यावसायिक रिश्ता हो। सभी रिश्तो में मनुष्य अपनापन खोजता है। हम अपनी पसंद कि चीज़ से भी एक रिश्ता जोड़ लेते है जिसे कोई छुए भी तो हम व्याकुल हो उठते हैं।हम चाहे भी तो किसी भी, एक बार जुड़े रिश्ते से कभी अलग नही हो सकते। आप सोचते होंगे की ये सच नही है,पर हा, यह सच है। हम जब किसी के कोई भी रिश्ता तोड़ते है तब भी हमारे मन में इनके बारे में ऐसा एक विचार रह जाता है कि वो मेरा /मेरी  -ये/वो -थी/था।बस इसी प्रकार वो रिश्ता हम से सदैव जुड़ा ही रहता है। आम तौर पर रिश्तो में दो प्रकार है। विश्वास और धोका। रिश्ते विश्वास की बुनियाद पर टिके होते है पर कभी कभी इन में धोका भी हो जाता है। विश्वास से जुड़े रिश्ते सदैव टिक...

NET class by Vedant pandya sir

On 23rd January ,2019 in Department of English MKBU we have NET class by Vedant pandya sir. He introduce us to paper 1 of NET. The syllabus is changed now and he explained about 10 unit of paper 1 which the students have to prepare. To build right attitude for this paper is necessary. He said that student have to ability for grasp the knowledge and language communication all around.  He gives some clue  for getting good job  as below:- A)logic is needed for getting good job. B)Use data -Tale it differently and conclude it with difference. C) There is certain leadership capacity is required Then he explained about education system and the structure of institute. Higher education system follow this type of institution structure. 1}Self finance college 2}Grant in at college 3} Government college 4}Constituents 5}State and public University. He explained about the transfer system and salary of above institution structure. There is some tradisional and spe...

Thinking activity on The White Tiger and Slumdog Millionaire

Similarities between The White Tiger and Slumdog Millionaire. 1) Narrative structure:- The narrative structure in both ,novel and film is same. In the novel Balram saw the poster and remember his past. Same as in movie Jamal have questions on screen in KBC show and for the for the answer he is going to his past. In the film the first scene starts from police station and in novel police are searching for Balram. He narrate the condition that hoe police make mistakes to writing about him. So in both, the situation is working parallel and flashback system is same. 2)Indianness In the movie and novel the picture of India is presented. Many things in both are same about India. ◆Slum area In novel Balram narrate the slum area of India. What is the situation of people and how they live in poverty etc present reality of Indian poor people.In the film we can find the real condition of poor people who lives on slum area. They have not the basic and necessary things for living the li...

Cultural interaction with Argentinian teacher of language and literature

On 29th January ,Department  of English MKBU, we have cultural interaction with Argentinian teacher of language and literature. They are the members of Rotary Club and visit Bhavnagar. The  main aim of them is for new generation exchange. Main leader of the team Mariana Dominguez. She is a Spanish teacher and taught Spanish grammar and linguistics. She said that she has no interest in English. In her country there are  few people who are doing research in English language but most of the people are in her country have no interest in English language. She said that in her university they have class for studying English language ,two hour for week but that is not enough by her view and she said that there is need to know more about the language for travel and study. There is more importance is given to Latin- American and Argentinian literature rather than English.Some of Indians are also there for research study. Most of the Brazilian student are very fast learne...