View on Coleridge's Biographia literaria
Biographia literaria written by S.T. Coleridge. He shows the difference between poem , prose and poetry in his this work. He briefly describe the difference between it.
1. Write in your words the difference between poem and prose.
Poem and prose both are different part of literature.
Prose means,"written or spoken language in its ordinary form without metrical structure"
Poem means,"written in the format of rhythm and rhymes also has some imagination."
I notice one point that if one person create his own creation he inculcate his feeling in it and I think it is called poem.
There are difference between poem and prose:-
1. In prose the language if it's writing format is not much decorated.while in poem the language of written format is rythematic and decorated also metrical.
2.when we read poem we felt some aesthetic delight and it's given pleasure.other side prose it is not given any kind of pleasure.
3. Poems are also attractive and expressive while prose are usually dull quality.
2. Write in your words the difference between poem and poetry.
Poetry means:- it is a form of aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language,sound, symbolism and meters. It suggest different interpretation to words or evoke emotive response.
There are difference between poem and poetry:-
1. Poem is merely a form of verbal expression while poetry poet gives it an activity also.
2. Poem is only the rythematic arrangement of words while in poetry poet includes his feelings and thoughts.
3.poem has no length, it is short. While poetry has length and it is also long narrated.
4. Poem is a piece of literary work while poetry is an art form it also called fine arts.
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