Cultural interaction with Argentinian teacher of language and literature

On 29th January ,Department  of English MKBU, we have cultural interaction with Argentinian teacher of language and literature. They are the members of Rotary Club and visit Bhavnagar. The  main aim of them is for new generation exchange.

Main leader of the team Mariana Dominguez. She is a Spanish teacher and taught Spanish grammar and linguistics.
She said that she has no interest in English. In her country there are  few people who are doing research in English language but most of the people are in her country have no interest in English language. She said that in her university they have class for studying English language ,two hour for week but that is not enough by her view and she said that there is need to know more about the language for travel and study.
There is more importance is given to Latin- American and Argentinian literature rather than English.Some of Indians are also there for research study. Most of the Brazilian student are very fast learners.

In their class  they have more focus on practical rather than theory for language learning. Some of the teachers use facebook for education purpose there. She have no interest in English language because the language is  too much heavy for her  to digest. She knows English language and also done communication with us in this language. She provides other basic information about her University, her interest, education system etc.

Another one lady is a student of Psychology and she also interact with us. She gave information about the subject, her interest, main subject of her research etc.
The boy one of them is a very good singer and he sung a Spanish song also.

This was an amazing  and fruitful experience to interact with them. The information provided by them is very helpful for knowing about another country and their use of different languages.


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