Youth festival in MKBU

In Bhavnagar, Maharaja krishna kumar sinhji Bhavnagar University  had organized Youth festival on 26-27-28 October 2018. This blog is a part of activity in which students has observe the events and interpret it.
In this youth festival there had been so many events like One Act Play , Skit,Mono-acting, Poetry Recitation ,on- the spot Painting, Collage, cartooning, rangoli , Installation, photography etc.

 I have attended events like
3]One act play
 As per my observation

When you sing bhajan you have to concentrate on your vowel and rhythm.
In bhajan , there was folk songs. In those songs we can find the effect of gujarati culture and history. One boy sang a song of sati Panbai who was a great lady in history.  Aslo this song represent the great courage of Panbai .

One song was "kanha ne manavo koi  mathura ma jao...." In this song we have to find the love of people for  lord Krishna. They all are ready to  do anything for Krishna . They just want him back. So here in this song we can find mythical effect  which represent myth of lord Krishna.

 In mime, that is very difficult to present your message with body gesture and expression of face. You should have to walk with music and follow the rhythm and present related expression . There were so many theme which was based on history and myth.  There was one theme which was based on current situation of women and the incident of rape with women. That represent current situation of ladies in 21st century. From ancient time to modern time ,we have to find the cases of  sexual harassment of women.
So this present contemporary  society.

In one act play, there was very good performance given by all the participants.
When you play a role in play or drama, you should be involved yourself in that character which you have to choose.
There was one play named Bhrigu  Samhita which was based on history. The Bhrigu Samhita claims to contain predictions about current and future lives as well as information about past lives.Here Bhrigu apply biographical approch .

In this play the astrologer Vaidacharya make fortune telling that the king will get boy child. That present how people follow the superstition and have desire to get male child. Still in 21st century , people follow blindly the superstition like Bhuva and Tantrik etc.

Another play performed by my department's student named' Sikka ni triji baju'. In this paly , the couple has one child which was not a girl nor boy but impotent. So family and society not accept that child. Third gender person came to bring that child with him but the mother of that child denied that person to her child to him.  She was ready for that treatment which will make that child normal human being.
In our society ,how people make fun and insult this type of people but recently Indian government has declare the law on LGBT relationship which give one place to these people in society.


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