Online discussion

Mario vargas Llosa ,the Peruvian novelist was awarded  the noble prize for literature in 2010.
Reading his interview I like these ideas,
1)Idea about feminism
2)Idea of angels and devils
3)Ideas and images
4) Novelist is the historian

1)Idea about feminism

In this idea vargas Llosa think it is right to denounce abuse against Women. These abuses we are find everywhere. So I have total sympathy for Me too Movement. It is for more justice ,for democracy and equality. In our society now we have a kind of problem for feminism. It has become very sectarian and dogmatic. Also he gave here example of feminist attacked Nabovok's 'Lolita'.
This is greatest novel of 20th century and with this criterion literature will disappear.

2)Idea of angels and devils
Georges Butaille  also said that in human beings there are angels and devils. Angels are important but in literature devils are also important.Literature is testimoni of what we want to hide in to real world. We cannot attack  literature for our vices and prejudice.

3)Ideas and images
In the essay of 2015 ''The civilization of the spectacle" Llosa wrote about today's world's idea. So Llosa think that young people believes in that type of culture in which images are more important than ideas.I mages creates a passive citizen more easily domesticated than the citizen formed by ideas. So Llosa agree with that idea that ideas are more important than images .I also agree with this . Without any ideas we cannot imagine the things so ideas are more important.

4) Novelist is the historian
Literature and history are faces of a coin. We always find history is connected with literature.  T .S. Eliot's  esaay Tradition and individual talent,  in this he said that this generation always took reference from ancient time.Llosa said that literature is still very close to living experience. He also believe in that departure is always the personal memory of actual experience. He gives example of Tolstoy's novel which one is related with history.


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