Thinking activity about oneness of literature

We find oneness in whole literature. All literature connected with each other,all those which are already written,those being written and those yet to be written. One must have an understanding of this continuity.

T.S. Eliot's view
T.S.Eliot said  in his  Tradition and individual talent that the best and the most individual part of poet's work is that reflects maximum influence of writers of past. He also said that no poets ,no artist of any art has his complete meaning alone. His appreciation is the application of his relationship with dead poets.

Northrop Frye
He developed the theory of Archetypal criticism. He said that the whole literature has oneness of its existence. All share oneness and common DNA or skeleton.

We find oneness of literature in T.S.Eliot's 'The Waste Land' and Anton Chekhov's short story 'A Joke'.
In Waste land we find this lines is connected with Chekhov's short story.

'And when we were children
Staying at the archduke's
                           My cousin's he
Took me out on a sled and
I was frightened. He said Marie
Marie hold on tight. And
down we went.
        In the mountains there
        You feel free.'

In this  stanza this girl Marie feels nostalgic for puberty experience for going in the mountain over the sled. She felt afraid but she got courage from his cousin. He gives her strength and she feel free.

In a short story 'A Joke' we find same incident with the girl Nadia.
She also has that feelings which Marie felt and also became afraid from the sled. But after that she has interest for sled and she doing it again and again. Everyday both the character were coasting . During that time she felt that someone said her 'I Love You Nadia'. She became confused that it is her illusion or reality. One day she decides to do coasting alone and she realize that it is her illusion.  No one speak that words.
So here we can find the oneness between the poem and short story.

Sexual perversion
In the poem we find sexual perversion as theme. It describe the lustful desire and attraction. But in the short story of Chekhov I have not found any kind of lustful desire of man. He  love her. At the end of the story she marry with other man and having children also but this man still love her. He has selfless love , have not selfishness and lustful desire.

So in this type we can compare both the literary genre and find oneness in it.


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