Interpretation and identification of various symbols,images and metaphors from modern poetry

1)"The Embankment" by T. E. Hulme
In this poem poet describe about the fallen of man in hard time. Modern poets rejected the doctrine of art for arts sake . They use art for life sake. Modern literature focus on Realism. The realism of the age has further been enhanced by scientific discoveries.

The poem explain the situation of poor people and about fallen man. In the poem we have found the symbol of Golden heels,old star  which presents the modern era. Some images came here is that Finesses of fiddles,Star-eaten blanket. The gentleman is the metaphor.
The speaker face the problem to get basic requirements of man life so he pray to God to make blanket of sky.

2)'The Darkness' by Joseph Campbell.
The title of poem forcing us to think about that. But when we read poem we realize that it is not about darkness. It symbolized the stars brightness and shine.
It also present the modern image of Bog hole. We also find metaphor like star shine in bog hole and silver ribbon.

During modern age poets and writers were interested to wrote about world war. So may be poet use here darkness for the disastrous effect of both the world war.

3)'Image' by Edward Storer.
"Forsaken lovers
Burning to a chaste of white moon,
Upon strange prayer of loneliness and drought."

The title of the poem present the image of modern age. This is also tries to show other image of age. In the poem poet present the metaphor of Forsaken lover. Also it is present the image of moon .  Generally moon is the symbol of peace and coldness. But here poet present its burning chaste. This poem explain about loneliness and drought.

4)''In a station of Metro' by Ezra pound
The title of the poem show the symbol of modern technology and about revolution. Here the modernist metaphor is  The metro station. This age  present the revolution in science and technology. So this poem present image of Petals on a wet.

Here also we find the relationship between man and machines. People in metro looking like apparition mean ghost. This show the life of modern time.

5)'The pool' by Hilda Doolittle.
At first glance one may imagine that this is the poem about live thing . It is shown by I touch you.... Are you alive.... This kind of line. But the pool is not live thing but an artificial one. Sea and fish are natural but pool is artificial.

This pool and sea are present the image of water  and show the symbol of natural and artificial thing .
Poet present here the modern metaphor Banded one. This show the problem of society. Sea as a symbol of society's rules and rituals . The net always covered man's rights and people of society not felt Independence.
For example: Before the independence people was covered by the net of British ruler . They have not freedom to do whatever they like. So here this thing used for the  symbol of modern era.

6)'Insouciance' by Richard Aldigton
The title of poem explain about get freedom from responsibility. Here the metaphor is Dreary trenches ,trudding cheerily,white winged doves. Here the situation is about misery and conflict. It show the image of catastrophe.

7)'Morning at Window' by T.S. Eliot.
The poem reflex the modern era. Title of poem suggest that main theme may be happiness and joy but it is about poverty. This poem show the condition of that people who work hard from morning to night but they gives aimless smile.

Modern age present the sorry condition of poor living along with the affluent section of society. Ratting breakfast plates show that poor people doing work hard for this one plate. In other side rich people got is easily. Here we can see the images of breakfast plates, twisted face. In movie of Charlie Chaplin ' The Modern Time' he mentioned both the condition.

8)'The Red Wheelbarrow' by William Carlos  Williams.
Wheelbarrow is used for carrying loads . Poet use this word with different meaning. It is a symbol of agriculture. The wheel  cart use by farmer and if the framer depend upon only rain it is harmful. So the use of technique for store the water. First line show that not to depend upon other and always be ready for any situation. If you fail  one day use the another way for getting success. But not  depend on other.

9)''Anecdote of Jar' by Wallace Stevens.
In this poem poet talk about the state Tennessee. He used here metaphors like Anecdote of Jar like the jar cover hill,  bird etc.
In the poem poet mentioned the art of man  and nature. Art may be more beautiful but it cannot took place of creativity of nature . Nature always wins over man. The image of jar also remind us the Grecian urn of keats.

10)I- a(E-E Cummings)
The poem is very short but it has deep meaning. The fall of last leaf may be here is the symbol of death. It also talk about two world wars broke out in modern time. Poem also describe the pattern of falling leaves. One day all the leaves of tree will be fall down and it will became like vacuous. So the image present that day by day  our body reach towards death and one day we will die.


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