Thinking activity on The Sense of An Ending

1)How do you understand memory and history with reference to your reading of this novel.

The main theme of the novel is history and memory. History is called macro narratives while memory is called micro narratives means it ia personal one.

1st part of novel is a memory of Tony Webster. Tony remember all the event which happened  in his  past but not in particular order. He is more uncertain about all the thing and event. He remember all hia school days, college days, girlfriend and visit of her home etc,but somewhere he shows particular incidence  and somewhere he had not particular memory. It shows his uncertainty of his memory. By this we can't say that whatever he said   us is all true, may be he hide something from us also. We can not relies on his memory that what happened it all about true.

Here memory is Tony's personal  history. It is same  constructed as history constructed. So the construction of memory in Tony 's life became construction of history. Here he lies with himself for some event.

Tony's memory is reserved here as 'I', he narrate all the event with  'I' but he tries to prove himself as honest one ,which he is really not.
The philosophical thriller of memory is mind of Tony. If we erase our memory than we can not identify ourselves also. Tony have memory of past in his mind but about it he have some uncertainty. But this uncertainty is reality or actually he does not want to reveal something to us as a reader. So uncertainty is deformed by memory of Tony.

History -
In History ,there was unrest mean Trivia.

'History is that certainty produced at the point where the imperfections of memory meet the inadequacies of documentation.’

In this definition , certainty and documentation is positive term mean if you preserve the history of person with certainty,it will be documentation. Imperfections and inadequacies are negative term. It will not be helpful with imperfections.

History of Historian:-

How one see the thing and write the history. All have their personal experience and view on their history. It is the example of Tony that the 1st part of the novel is history of Tony means history of historian.

Historians have not direct evidence . They use it too but they know about the lack of evidence. They have not certainty about the thing ,they make it supposed thing that might be happened.
History moves like old Oscillation ,first tyranny and then become rebel and at the end again become tyranny.

'History is memory of the survivors who are neither victorious no defeated.'

Means the history is written by those people who was survivor. They were not defeated nor victorious . It repeats again and again.

2) How do you understand the concept of suicide with reference to your reading of literature ranging from Renaissance play Hamlet, 20th century Existentialist philosophy and this 21st century novel The Sense of an Ending?

First novelistic suicide pattern merged in nineteenth century. Authors like Ernest Hemingway and Virginia Woolf include theme of suicide in their writing.

In Shakespeare' s Hamlet Ophelia committed suicide by some particular reason. But Hamlet was mentally upset man though he doesn't think to like this.

In 20th century-
If we see suicide in 20th century Existentialist philosophy,then we can recall first Waiting for Godot. It is based on Existentialism and Vladimir and Estragon wants to committed suicide but they can't do it. They have not any responsibility in life though they don't do that. They have nothing to live life but they can't die also. If we see it as philosophical way that it means is when people are not able to maintain meaning that they are most psychotically vulnerable.

In 21st century-
By the reading of The Sense of An Ending, there are two people commit  suicide,Robson and Adrian. Both have different reason but why Adrian committed suicide is not clearly visible. Robson escape from his responsibilities and choose to die. He has fear about  lost of his morality and how society will treat him after knowing the reason.
But Tony Webster has not done this all things though he was the reason of damage of someone's life.  While character like Adrian who think that they have enjoy the life so now the time is coming to die and he committed suicide.


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