Flipped learning of Existentialism

In Department of English MKBU , we have task given by Dr. Dilip Barad about Existentialism.
To read the blog of Dr. Dilip Barad click here. 

I  like following thought from videos of Existentialism

Video 1
What is Existentialism?

Existentialism starts with Kierkegaard . It is explained by Nietzsche, Dostoyevsky, Kafka, Heidegger ,Hesse,  etc. Their views are different from each other. For all of them ,philosophical thinking of Existentialism begins with individuality, freedom and passion. Believing in God is aslo explained by speaker here.
Existentialism is mainly popular in young people mostly because it defines the subject which his /her views of destroy. Shoes existence is attractive like suicide, anguish, absurdity,passion , emotion etc.

Video 2
The myth of Sisyphus ,the absurd reasoning

Suicide is philosophical thing . committed suicide is an individual act. We are concern here with relationship between individual and suicide and act like this with the silence of heart. How did one kill himself/herself?
' An elegant suicide is the ultimate work of art '

Video 3
Myth of Sisyphus . The notion of philosophical suicide.

The notion of philosophical suicide is fall in love with Camus here  because the worth thing to recognize the absurd and hesitate to reflect life's absurdity.
When you face the problem , you need to come from the problem of absurdity. You know the total absence of hope , a continual rejection and conscious dissatisfaction.
The absurdity is everything which is accept for death.
Camus believes that ' does not the failure reveal beyond any possible explanation and interpretation,not the absence but the existence of transcends.
Reason is useless and there is nothing beyond reason.
 Absurd + failures=Escapism

Video 4
Dadaism,Nihilism and Existentialism.

Dadaism and nihilism are associated. Dadaism is a quest for change. Creations is primary goal of dadaism. It presents important of value. We declare the dadaism against war its mean quest for change. Janco, Jean , Tristan etc many of them are in this moment.
Dadaism is response to world war 1st and Existentialism is response to world war 2nd.

Video 5
Existentialism-a gloomy philosophy.

Why it is called gloomy philosophy because it present anxiety, despair, absurdity.
Life + absurdity=?

Believe in God
Truth. Relief from anxiety value and choose your own meaning in life. Once you done it you should take responsibility of the truth tou made and accept the consequences of life.
To understand gloominess we should take a look towards  history, in the past war era as responsible for nihilistic Existentialism where despair absurdity in every corner of individual.

Video 6
Existentialism and nihilism :
Is it one and same?

Existentialism and nihilism both see the absurdity of life but ends at different conclusions. People confused  because nihilism comes after extensional thinking.

Video 7
Let us introduce Existentialism again.
Existentialist philosophers from the last few centuries ,have create some of greatest work of literature and philosophy. It is not a philosophical movement. It aroused in Europe. Existentialism is an attitude to recognize the unresolved confusion of human world. Yet resist all too human temptation to resolve the confusion by grasping towards whatever appears or can be made to appear firm or familiar.
It begins with disoriented individual facing a confused world that he can not accept.

Video 8
Explain like I Am five
Existentialism and Nietzsche.

In this video  teacher explain about Existentialism. And one boy said that he doesn't like Nietzsche. He hate him. One can think in its own way. It is about Ubermensch and Superman to nice work of them . Nietzsche said that  there in no moral values and rules to giver you but you can make it by regulations.

Video 9
Why I like Existentialism?
Eric Dodson

Existentialism and everyday life
There are many different way to take up  Existentialism ,it is talk about pretty personal.

1st idea Dodson like is about 2 sides of Existentialism which is appear in our mind. It i aslo appears to heart and soul.

2nd it is about honesty. Existentialist are more straightforward. Things like how absurd life really is? How we fall away from our deeper destiny? How we can self deceptively deny our deeper freedom?

3rd thing is holism. Understand life in terms of all that life is. He likes it because it takes him as he is. It acceptance all the things. It adopt all the things of universe and life itself.

4th thing it is a rebellious way of thinking of life. Existentialism is deeper fidelity and deeper relation with life. Existentialism feels positively dangerous.

Video 10
Let's sum up: from essentialism to Existentialism.

Essensive meaning of life as life is meaningful. All the things give you meaning of life or not?

Aristotle and Plato told that everytime has essence.  It give you purpose. Existence precedes essence. Existentialism is not atheism . It is the notion that God made for the universe or world or for us with any particular purpose of mind. Absurdity is a technical term for Existentialism .

2)I like video number 9 and 10 both because in 9  Dodson present his view about Existentialism  very  well. It shows reality of life . It appears to mind ,heart and soul.

I also like 10th video because it is about truth of life is exist to essence  which give us essence of life.

3)I learn Existentialism by this activity very well. The concept of it ,is now clear in my mind . All  the information provided by these all video ,it increase my view towards Existentialism. The flipped learning is always helpful to understand one concept of literature.

Thank you. 


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